Hoover receives national research administrator award

Hoover receives national research administrator award

Courtney Hoover, grant specialist in the Office of Sponsored Programs and Research at Midwestern State University, was selected to be one of the inaugural recipients of the National Council of University Research Administrators Emerging Excellence in Research Administration award. She was formally recognized at the NCURA Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C., on Aug. 5.

The Emerging Excellence in Research Administration Award is designed to honor and celebrate the outstanding contributions and achievements of individuals newer to the profession and have demonstrated exceptional promise and innovation in research administration. This prestigious award acknowledges emerging leaders who have made a significant impact through their work and have the potential to continue influencing and shaping the future of research administration.

“I am incredibly honored to be selected as one of the inaugural recipients of NCURA’s Emerging Excellence in Research Administration award,” Hoover said. “Thanks to NCURA, despite being new to research administration, I have had so many wonderful opportunities to grow my skills and transform into a strong research administrator. This award represents not only my efforts but the efforts of my fantastic mentors and colleagues that have guided me along the way. I’m thankful for this great honor.”

In a nomination letter, Associate Director of Sponsored Programs and Research Brittany Norman said, “In just three years, Courtney has already made significant contributions to our institution and the profession at large. Her dedication, innovation, and professionalism make her an exemplary candidate for this award.”

Norman said Hoover has worked to create a collaborative relationship between offices at her institution. “She serves as the liaison between sponsored programs, the business office/accounting services, purchasing and contracting, payroll, and human resources, ensuring everyone is able to stay on the same page in pursuit of better service for MSU Texas faculty. She helped bring all of these stakeholders together for MSU’s NCURA Peer Review this spring, helping us chart a course for future growth and success.”

Norman also said that one of Hoover’s most notable accomplishments at MSU Texas has been the development of a grant management training course for new principal investigators. This streamlined yet comprehensive series of online training modules, hosted through the university's learning management system, covers the essentials of award management. Topics range from defining roles and responsibilities to the intricacies of purchasing, hiring, and travel using grant funds. “Given that most PIs at our primarily undergraduate institution are new to grants, this training has been invaluable in improving PI self-efficacy, efficiency in award management, and compliance,” Norman said.

NCURA has over 9,000 members from more than 1,100 colleges, universities, teaching hospitals, and research institutes in 40 countries, and Hoover was selected from among early-career research administration professionals from the entire international organization.

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