Delta Sigma Pi rewarded for great performance through pandemic year of 2020-21
The Epsilon Zeta chapter of Delta Sigma Pi faced different challenges than some of its predecessors from Fall 2020 to Spring 2021. With determination, the chapter not only survived but thrived throughout the year.
The chapter won five regional awards, one provincial, and one national honor. DSP won the R. Nelson Mitchell Regional Award, Regional Outstanding Professional Awards, Regional Outstanding Alumni Relations, and Regional Outstanding Scholastic Development. Their chapter advisor, Dr. Niyati Kataria, won Chapter Advisor of the Year at a regional, provincial, and national level.
“I'm very proud of our Executive Board. They took on the heavy workload of operating and thriving during a pandemic, building insight and resilience,” said Megan Widner, previous president of the Delta Sigma Pi chapter. “As a chapter, we all gave our best to work hard to impact the community positively.”
One way Widner found to maximize potential was to earn multiple credits for a big event rather than having numerous small events with low profits. For example, on the 60th birthday celebration, the chapter was credited with six events for a diversity event with speaker, Founders Day, alumni speaker, professional event, fundraiser, and a leadership foundation professional event.
The chapter held drives to benefit Mustangs Pantry, children at Red River Hospital, and Ronald McDonald House of Charity in Fort Worth, wrote letters to children in the Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston, and cleaned for ‘Adopt a Highway’ among many projects.
Dillard College Business of Administration Dean Jeff Stambaugh sees Delta Sigma Pi as an opportunity for students to develop themselves professionally. Through activities, students pick up the “soft skills” and leadership attributes employers want. “DSP, under Megan’s leadership, modeled the skill of resiliency,” Stambaugh said. “They kept the ball rolling on so many activities despite COVID. Because of that, they stood out at the Regional level.”
New chapter president Anil Kanal is excited about moving forward in a post-COVID phase. “Congratulations to all of us for achieving these honors and awards, and I am so proud to be a brother of Epsilon Zeta Chapter of International Fraternity of Delta Sigma Pi here at MSU Texas,” he said. “Our main objective will be to build a strong brotherhood between the brothers, our community, and follow the pathway created by our previous executive leadership team.”
Delta Sigma Pi members also wanted to convey a special thanks to Dean Stambaugh, Amanda Clawson, Marilyn Brown, MSU Texas alumni Mark Wernette and wife Nicole, EZ alumni, DSP central office, Chelsey Fix, and Dr. Kataria.