MSU Texas senior says Respiratory Care program prepared her for the real world
In dealing with the pandemic as she completes her education, Anastasia said it has been difficult, but she’s eager to graduate this May with her Bachelor of Science in Respiratory Care degree, take her board exams, and join on the front lines of COVID-19.
Anastasia was amazed to see how the new Centennial Hall, which opened in 2019, benefitted respiratory care students. “Like WOW! It is bigger, state-of-the-art, and has more room. The lab area blows my mind. I love it!” Anastasia said. Her favorite experiences at MSU Texas are working in the simulation lab. “They help to teach and prepare you for the real world with patients,” Anastasia said.
Anastasia is an extern at Children’s Hospital in Dallas and at United Regional Health Care in Wichita Falls.
“My goals are to achieve the high cut score on the boards and become a Registered Respiratory Therapist,” she said.

“Then I want to earn different specialties, like NPS (Neonatal Pediatric Specialty) and ACCS (Adult Critical Care Specialist). I would like to work in a NICU or Labor and Delivery; my passion is neonatal and pediatrics.”
As Anastasia nears the end of her time at MSU Texas, she would definitely encourage others to follow in her footsteps. “I just want to add that the program is awesome, the professors are amazing and that it really is a tight-knit group,” she said. “You are with these people for two whole years, and some relationships develop into a family. Also, that Respiratory Therapists are a very special breed of people, and it takes a lot for someone to be like us!”
The Respiratory Care program applications are open until April 15. Visit the Respiratory Care webpage for more information.