Faculty focused on new methods, teamwork in delivering online for students
The Midwestern State University faculty has given plenty of lectures about a changing world.
But the professors and deans had a chance to see the change in real-time over the past few weeks as they prepared to change to an online/remote format for the duration of the spring semester and the first summer term. (See the Coronavirus Updates at msutexas.edu)
And that ongoing to change is bringing out a spirit of teamwork, unity, and creativity to face this challenge. And the faculty has found great allies in MSU Information Technology and Distance Education.
"I think none of this transition would be possible without the offices we had in place with the Distance Education office and the IT office and technology,” said Margaret Brown Marsden, Dean of the College of Science & Mathematics. “They reached out to us in anticipation of our needs and told us what they had available for us, and that’s been helpful.”
Chemistry professor Candice Fulton was one of the faculty members who felt like it was best to jump right in. “A challenge focuses my attention. We are all in close contact as a department, we always have been. These are great people, so I am not worried that our students will get the very best this department can offer.”
Brown Marsden has given training sessions to faculty and offered to help with software. She, along with all university deans, teach classes. Believing that experience and as well as her understanding from teaching online classes has benefitted her in helping others make this transition. She’s happy to share online teaching tips or help each professor find the software they need.
“I’m glad that I teach classes, and I’ve taught online,” Brown Marsden said. She said when trying to learn a new program or app, she tries to “remember the big picture.”
KAUZ: MSU Texas STEM classes working together for online learning
Brown Marsden is excited about providing students the opportunity to continue their courses. And this new method of learning got underway when classes resumed online March 25.
MSU Texas President Dr. Suzanne Shipley shared a video message as online classes resumed.