Accounting major Amanda Threlkeld gained new perspective on life, culture and priorities
Amanda Threlkeld grew up in Wichita Falls and then stayed home for college by choosing MSU Texas. But she also had a desire for adventure and new experiences.
“Every summer we’d take a weekend vacation to some state; I’ve probably been to half of the states,” Threlkeld said. She always made her dad stop so she could take a picture of a new state she could check off her list.
But Study Abroad was a new experience, first in Grenada and then she took the plunge a second time by going to London.
“I gained a new perspective, and it opened my horizons,” Threlkeld said. “I went to Grenada first. The class focused on global health and wellness. So I really looked into the food, nutrition, water, and vaccines.”
As an accounting major and the Clark Scholar winner in 2019, she studied business and research methods in London. “We researched five fields, but I also got to immerse in the European lifestyle, which is a little bit different than American. I truly saw that what we’re learning in class can be transferred (to business). It broadened my perspective in many areas.”
Dr. Michael Mills, Global Education Office Director, says the Study Abroad students many lessons about life as they do academics. Both are beneficial. Learning how to obtain a passport is a challenge for many. That was true for Threlkeld plus more education on budgeting time, meals, money, and priorities.
“As far as food goes I was very strategic about it,” she said. “I got a bunch of bananas and granola bars and that was my breakfast. And I had a late lunch that I could split into two for dinner. I would go to class and then have to plan that I had this long for dinner and then I have this much time to study and sleep. It was making sure I was in class on time and doing my homework, but also going to explore. It was a lot of structure and time management.”
Threlkeld's advice for students thinking about Study Abroad? “Just go for it!"
“When they say you’re not going to know until you get there, they are right, you're not going to know until you get there," Threlkeld said. "Going through classes and learning their culture at the same time is life-changing. I would say jump in and go for it."