MSU Business Students Attend Regional AITP Competition

MSU Business Students Attend Regional AITP Competition

Eight students from Midwestern State University's Dillard College of Business Administration attended and competed in the Region 3 Conference of the Association of Information Technology Professionals (AITP) at Sam Houston State University in Huntsville, Texas, in October. The students were accompanied at the conference by Dr. Chuck Johnston, Associate Professor of Management Information Systems.


Sessions included speakers and student competitions in Microsoft Office Solutions, PC Troubleshooting, Network Design, Systems Analysis & Design, Database Design, Application Development, Security, and Mobile Applications. Many students took advantage of the opportunity to take the Microsoft Technology Associate certification exams with several students obtaining certifications.


MSU students attending and their activities were:

Nicandro Delgado:  PC Troubleshooting, MTA Training

Sancho Duncan: PC Troubleshooting, MTA Training, passed Windows Operating Systems Fundamentals exam

Logan Howard: PC Troubleshooting, MTA Training

Esther John: Database Design, MTA Training

Elouise Laurent: Database Design, MTA Training

Brandon Loeffler: passed Software Development Fundamentals exam

Josh Robinson: PC Troubleshooting, passed Windows Operating Systems Fundamentals exam

Kenroy Warner: PC Troubleshooting, passed Networking Fundamentals exam


A total of 175 students from 17 universities from Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas attended the conference.