Director for entrepreneurship center named

Director for entrepreneurship center named

Jeff Stambaugh has recently been named director of the Munir Abdul Lalani Center for Entrepreneurship and Free Enterprise at the Dillard College of Business Administration.
His first project has been to organize the Lalani Distinguished Entrepreneur Speaker Series which will begin this month.
Stambaugh said the Lalani Center is looking for opportunities to match students interested in entrepreneurship with businesses in the community. He pointed out that he is looking to match students interested in entrepreneurship with entrepreneurs in the community seeking to launch new ventures. The internship program is a continuing program for the center, and Stambaugh is looking for interested students for the upcoming spring semester.
He stated that MSU's entrepreneurship courses equip our students with skills in generating entrepreneurial ideas, evaluating the feasibility of those ideas and then planning to launch new ventures. The focus is on the key legal, financial and managerial challenges growing ventures face. But potential entrepreneurs cannot be educated strictly inside the ivory tower of academe. Students need to get out with real entrepreneurs doing entrepreneurial activities. Internships are a way to make that happen.
Stambaugh holds a degree in aeronautical engineering from the U.S. Air Force Academy, a masters degree in human resources management, and is a 2001 Fellow from Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, Harvard University. He is in the final stages of his doctorate in management, with a concentration in entrepreneurship and strategies from Texas Tech University.