Top business students recognized at banquet

Top business students recognized at banquet

Anthony F. Chelte, Dean of the Dillard College, recognized nine students who scored in the top 10 percent in the nation of all graduating seniors in business on the Major Field Test (MFT). The MFT is a nationally recognized, standardized test administered by Educational Testing Services (ETS), the same testing facility that administers the SAT and GRE. The test is designed to measure a student's knowledge of business and their ability to apply significant concepts, theories and analytical methods to practical business problems. The test has been administered to Dillard College students for the past 17 years.
The Dean's recognition banquet recognizes the top performers each semester the exam is administered. This semester, the Dillard College celebrated the achievement of the top 9 performers at a banquet held at the Wichita Falls Country Club.

According to Chelte, the Major Field Test validates the high quality business program at Midwestern State University and demonstrates the educational attainment of students in the Dillard College. The college's mission is to prepare students for successful careers, leadership, mobility, and life-long learning. The MFT is one metric that the college uses to measure its mission attainment and realization of its vision of providing leadership as the region's center of excellence in business education and service.

This semester's top performers are:

Matthew Atchley, finance major from Wichita Falls

Anna Johnson, accounting major from Wichita Falls

Marinette Joseph, accounting and finance major from Marigot, Dominica

Sekou La Barrie, accounting major from St. George's, Grenada

Owen Miller, marketing major from Wichita Falls

Cecilia Muller, accounting major from South Africa

Buck Nunley, finance major from Graham

James Staley, finance major from Wichita Falls

Kimberly Youngblood, accounting major from Fort Worth

Five members of this group scored higher than 95 percent of all students who have taken the exam.

In a related development, Dr. Chuck Ramser received the inaugural Dillard College of Business Administration Dean's Award for Teaching Excellence, which will become an annual acknowledgement. The recipient was nominated by his peers and a peer committee made the recommendation for the award to Dean Chelte.

In other developments, The Dillard College of Business Administration formally recognized the contributions of Carroll Wilson, editor-in-chief of the Wichita Falls Times Record News in a luncheon ceremony at the Wichita Falls Country Club.