Fantasy of Lights returns to MSU campus

Fantasy of Lights returns to MSU campus

The Fantasy of Lights actually began in the late 1920's by Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Burns. They began a tradition of adding more displays throughout the years until their front lawn became a mystical fairyland for the Wichita Falls area and throughout the state.
When the display was donated to Midwestern State University, volunteers throughout the city spent time refurbishing the displays.  In December 1974, the Fantasy of Lights was displayed on the front lawn of Hardin for the first time. Throughout the years, several displays have been added but the original ones still appear to bring smiles to young and old alike. 
The lights are turned on each evening at dusk and are turned off at 10:00 p.m. weeknights and 11:00 p.m. on weekends. There is no charge to attend but donations are welcomed.
For questions, please call 940-397-4352.
For more information on the history and a preview of the displays, click on