Faculty Forum presents Dr. Lynn Hoggard (Apr 3)

Faculty Forum presents Dr. Lynn Hoggard (Apr 3)

 Dr. Lynn Hoggard, Coordinator of Humanities and Professor of English and Foreign Languages, will present "The Abbey Program: Study Abroad as a Vision Quest." Having spent the spring semester of 2006 teaching in the Abbey Program at Pontevoy, France, Hoggard will address the most important issues concerning that experience, both from the perspective of a teacher and--with help from the seven MSU students who shared in the program last spring--from that of the students as well. She will explore the issues and questions with the university and community audience in the hope of answering the underlying question: "Why should our students study abroad?"
Tuesday, April 3
7:00 p.m.
Clark Student Center Shawnee Theater

For more information, call:  397-4155 or 397-4145

Cost:  Free